I want to thank you for allowing me to share my joy in brush painting with your students. We ended our year with joy and elation. The students are so anxious to paint that they can hardly wait until I finish instructing and demonstrating. This is an active, delight directed learning.
Your students have learn a lot through our 10 lessons. You may review all that we did in http://joyousbrushclubatshallowfordfalls.blogspot.com/ They have gained an entry to painting, where drawing does not have to be the prerequisite as long as mental clarity can be developed through the process. The images are formed by following instruction, which becomes the teaching tool for our mental clarity. This process of learning through imagery manipulation enhance our traditional education of learning from words and sentences.
Being the creator of their work, your students learn to express all that they intended, understood and preferred in a visible way. Some are pleased with their work, some are disappointed, either way it gives them a honest reflection to grow from. Many will develop a keen appetite to look critically at the objects they are interested to paint. This will bless them with a lifestyle of observation, which is an active learning process at all times.
Next week will be our make up class. All the students are welcome to come to paint. No new instructions will be given, except those that are missed.
In January I will offer beginner's class at 2:30 and level 2 class at 3:30 on 16 Fridays. Attached please find the registration form and the class demonstration. I will love to see your students continue with this art form in the Spring.
Have wonderful holidays.